Prince Charles Community League

Membership Benefits
Membership for the Prince Charles Community League is FREE!
Gives you the ability to vote on matters affecting the Community
Allows you the right to become a Board member and help shape the future of the neighbourhood
Allows you or your children to participate in sporting activities (even if we do not offer the program in Prince Charles, such as soccer)
Discounts at City of Edmonton recreation centers for annual, monthly and multi-admission passes
Free skating at select Community League outdoor rinks throughout the City (skate tags available)
Discounts to certain City attractions (as available)
Access to the Edmonton Tool Library
Access to Community League Hall rentals (Prince Charles does not have a hall, but other halls may rent at discounts for birthday parties and other events)
Discounts with various local businesses (EFCL Member Benefits)
Business memberships available ($40/year and and it includes one free 1/4 page ad in newsletter)
... and all of this is free to you!