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Prince Charles Community League

Prince Charles - Focusing on Community and Connection
Abundant Communities
Abundant Communities Edmonton (ACE) is a neighbourhood engagement and community organizing approach – basically, a way to build a culture of care and connection at the block level by getting to know your neighbours!
To learn more contact or apply for the role, contact us at
Neighborhood Watch
To join or get more information on the Prince Charles Neighbourhood Watch, email
Edmonton Police Service
Edmonton Neighbourhood Watch
Edmonton Humane Society
Emergency Services. Call if you are in immediate danger, there is a medical emergency, or there is a crime in progress.
Non-Emergency Calls
(780) 423-4567 or #377mobile
211 press 3
24/7 Crisis Diversion
311 (780-423-4567)
City of Edmonton (all other complaints and inquires)
Crime Stoppers

Decorate Your Porch
When you see these lawn signs out in the neighbourhood it is time for "a pot for every porch" event.
Check the Newsletter for Dates

Big Bin Event
When you see these lawn signs out in the neighbourhood it is time for"the Big Bin" event.
Bring all your unwanted clutter and drop it in the waste bins.

Check the Newsletter for Dates
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